I've really wanted to start writing about art and to take you on a bit of a journey as I journal about the things I am learning. I really hope I can provide some interesting insights and that this can eventually become a place for lively discussions and trialling new experiments.
I've never really felt like I have a particular talent or calling towards a specific art kind, which has been a doubt that holds me back from publicly talking about or sharing my ventures. It's hypocritical because there is an inherent beauty behind the thoughts and processes that bring a piece of art to life, which can be appreciated without the need to exclude or discriminate. I want to develop my own creativity more unashamedly and share this with you. It's time to lose the rigidity and to gain wisdom through failure!
Art as an escape...
After a few years of neglecting creative outlets, the urge to make art was suddenly reignited like an itch which had just reached its threshold. Since then, I have been working on techniques and processes in a tangible sense, but more importantly have tried to grow a casual curiosity for the small artistic influences which daily life has to offer. Snippets of music, the way light is framed by the outline of leaves, accidental conversations with strangers. Soaking in these external stimuli (with a sort of forced awe at times) has really helped to feel reflective and open to my own ideas.
